Project Team
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Martschukat
Full Professor for Northamerican History at Erfurt University. His research interests lie in the field of North American social and cultural history, especially in the histories of bodies and sport, families and fathers, violence and punishment. His most recent book Die Ordnung des Sozialen (Frankfurt/M.: Campus, 2013) has won the Adams Award 2015 of the Organization of American Historians and will be published in English with New York University Press. Together with Nina Mackert, he is the editor of the blog, and of “Fat Agency,” a theme issue of the journal Body Politics 5 (2016). An article on “The Pursuit of Fitness: Von Freiheit und Leistungsfähigkeit in der Geschichte der USA” has appeared in Geschichte und Gesellschaft 42,3 (2016).
As part of EGO, he is writing a history of fitness and is supervising the sub-projects:
- The Career of the Calorie. Bodies, Selves and Ability in the USA, 1850-1930
- Food, Health and Places of Pleasure in the US during the 1970s and 1980s
Prof. Dr. Maren Möhring
(*1970), Professor for Comparative Cultural and Social History of Modern Europe at the University of Leipzig since 2014. After having studied history and German literature in Hamburg and Dublin she received a PhD in history with a book on German nudism in Munich („Marmorleiber“, Böhlau 2004). She continued to be an Assistant Professor at the University of Cologne, where she habilitated 2010 with a study on the history of ethnic restaurants in the Federal Republic of Germany („Fremdes Essen“, Oldenbourg 2012). She was a NEH-/GHI fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC, a Feodor-Lynen fellow at Zurich University, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Freiburg and DGIA-scholar at the German Historical Institutes in London and Rome as well as at the Orient-Institute in Istanbul.
Her research interests are the social and cultural history of modern Europe, food studies, gender & body history, film & history, migration and postcolonial studies. She is a co-founder of the online journal “Body Politics – Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte,” joint editor of the portal “Europäische Geschichte” and of the book series “Disability History” (Campus), “Wissenschaftsforum Kulinaristik” (Umschau-Zeitschriftenverlag) and the transcript series “1800/2000. Kulturgeschichten der Moderne.”
As part of EGO, she is supervising the sub-projects:
- Meat Consumption and Leistungskörper ('Capable Bodies') in Germany, ca. 1850 – 1930
- Nutrition as a “Risk-Factor” – The History of the Risk-Factor Model for Cardiovascular Diseases in the GDR and FRG, 1960’s to 1980’s
Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa
Full Professor and Chair for Sociology and Gender Studies at LMU Munich. She's also currently elected member of the board of the German Sociological Association (DGS), and she's served as elected board member of the German Association for Gender Studies from 2010 - 2014. Her research focuses on the analysis of biopolitics, i.e. the ambivalent entanglements of society and soma, on Cultural Studies (Pop and Politics, Embodiment within Subcultures such as Tango), on Care & Gender, and on Science/Academia and Gender. She's published widely on gender/social theory (post-structuralism, Butler, Bourdieu, symbolic violence), the sociology of embodiment, beautification and normalization, on feminist body politics, and on German and Europan "anti-genderism" as part of new nationalist populism. She's directed funded empirical research (e.g. DFG, VW, Humboldt foundations) on Cosmetic Surgery, Food/Fitness, comparative analysis of Gender Equality Programs in academic capitalism, and on popular culture.
As part of EGO, she is supervising the sub-projects:
- “Fat Americans”: On the Notion of ‘National’ and ‘Natural’ in Contemporary German Health- and Obesity-Discourses
- Quantified Self: Fitness, Measurement and Technologized Self-Relations
Prof. Dr. Olaf von dem Knesebeck
Director of the Department of Medical Sociology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. He studied sociology and psychology at the University of Düsseldorf (Magister Artium 1993, PhD 1997, habilitation 2003). Since 2004 he is a professor for Medical Sociology. He is a member of the executive committee of the Center for Health Care Research University (CHCR), Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, member of the executive committee of the German Society for Medical Sociology (2010 – 2014 as president), and of the executive committee of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (since 2014). His research interests are: social determinants of health and health care, international comparisons in health services research, health surveys, mental health literacy, stigma.
As part of EGO, he is supervising the sub-project: